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Perfect Pitch Party


At the end of January, Perfect Pitch celebrated the end of another successful season – including new workshops in Melbourne and Hobart – with its growing circle of alumni and friends.

Perfect Pitch is a collaboration between director Natasha Cica and Rosalie Martin of Speech Pathology Tasmania.

We had a lot to celebrate … Rosalie recently was recognised as Tasmania’s Australian of the Year for 2017, for her pro bono work with prisoners to build literacy …

… and Natasha received formal acknowledgment from the Premier of Tasmania of the work of, including the contribution made by Perfect Pitch:

Congratulations on the development of into such a well-regarded enterprise exploring unique professional services from Tasmania, to the global market.

The growth of the Perfect Pitch program is an innovative and successful approach, and my colleagues who have been involved .. have spoken highly of the responses from attendees as well as their valuable interactions with the program …

Perfect Pitch is clearly making a significant and positive difference in the lives of a number of women with unrealised leadership potential, by providing them with practical and accessible strategies for their personal development.

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Capacity outside the classroom


In January, director Natasha Cica spent a day with educator Alison Stone.

A member of Tasmania’s Aboriginal community, Alison is dedicated to opening educational and social options for children and families in Tasmania’s most disadvantaged and stigmatised neighbourhoods.

Her initiatives include a remarkable out of school program called the All Stars Club.

Here is the story … with thanks to TasWeekend magazine: CLASS ACT – ALISON STONE

Perfect Pitch in Melbourne and Hobart


PP2016Hobart1 is delighted to offer Perfect Pitch – an innovative and intensive professional development workshop, delivered in partnership with Speech Pathology Tasmania.

Perfect Pitch helps participants transform their effective communication when speaking to groups.

Perfect Pitch breaks down anxiety, builds confidence and enhances poise.

Places are limited to 15 participants per one-day workshop.

Who should attend? Women from any background or sector, who are motivated to improve their professional impact through better presentation.

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Perfect Pitch – the Australian summer season

0 is delighted to collaborate with Speech Pathology Tasmania to deliver Perfect Pitch this summer in Australia – in Hobart, Sydney and Launceston.

Perfect Pitch is an intensive professional development initiative that helps participants transform their effective communication when speaking to groups. It breaks down anxiety, builds confidence and enhances poise.

This Australian summer season of Perfect Pitch is open to women from any background or sector – who are motivated to improve their professional impact through better spoken presentation.

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Doing the diaspora #1


I was born and raised in Tasmania, an island at the bottom of the world.

It’s a stunningly beautiful place that’s long spawned distinctive creativity, bold improvisation and inspiring resourcefulness. Most recently, the arrival of the privately-funded Museum of Old + New Art (MONA) – currently hosting Private Archaeology by Belgrade-born New Yorker Marina Abramovic – has drawn wide and deserved attention to Tasmania’s ‘cut through’ potential in the twenty-first century.

Point of departure – the tarmac at Hobart airport
Point of departure – the tarmac at Hobart airport

That future may be alluring – but the backdrop is that Tasmania is also a geographically isolated, sparsely populated, relatively monocultural and persistently economically (and educationally) challenged society. That cluster of push factors meant many of the best and brightest of the people I grew up with didn’t stay in Tasmania, like many before and since.
They went to live and work in other places … seeking out better jobs, more opportunity and vibrant competition, different adventure.

And that was just the start of their stories …

Recently The Mercury newspaper commissioned me to write a series of feature articles for its TasWeekend magazine about some of those offshore Tasmanians.

Here are the opening profiles – Nick Boyd (founder of AidNet, connecting Angola and Melbourne), Frances The (a concert violinist now based in Amsterdam), and Tadhg Muller (a writer now living in London).

For more writing about and by Tasmania’s expats, repats and downhomers, see the bestselling Griffith REVIEW: Tasmania – The Tipping Point?, which I co-edited with Julianne Schultz in 2013. Watch a discussion I anchored at Melbourne’s Wheeler Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas with three of the talented contributors to this issue – Favel Parrett, Scott Rankin and Jo Chandler.